For a total of 184 days, from 1 May to 31 October, we will be at Expo 2015, ready for you to taste our coffee at our space in the FEDERALIMENTARE corporate group hall. The event provides an opportunity to express, through our
products, the values at the very heart of our company: Italian tradition, innovation, and research working in synergy with experience to produce the best possible result. All of this represents the history and heritage of a family that has always pursued quality, but especially today, at a point in time when the concept of quality has perhaps become overused and is often employed without any real meaning. For this reason, this is an extremely important event for Hausbrandt and other “Made in Italy” agrifood brands – companies built by people who invest heavily in the true quality of the raw materials, processes, packaging and final product. In this way, “Made in Italy” is presented not in an abstract manner, but rather through the history of the companies that have contributed to its success and that represent it throughout the world with their products, derived from the earth’s bounty and the dedication of people who work in harmony with the land. We are therefore very proud to be participating in Expo 2015 with our coffee – a product created from clear company values and, as a result, recognized throughout the world.